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Sail & Racing Calendar
Lake Gregory, in Crestline, CA and nearby Southern California areas.
PLEASE NOTE: This calendar is provided as courtesy to all SoCal area Radio Controlled (RC) sailors. It is assumed to be accurate based on published calendars of various clubs. However, ALWAYS check with hosting club for any date changes and times for skippers' meetings, etc.
Competing classes include DF95, RC Laser, and V-32 but most clubs have additional classes and their dates will vary.
Helmsman Model Yacht Club: Long Beach, CA
Lake Harveston in Temecula, CA is primarily 'friendly' sailing in DF95s and Soling 1 Meters. Other classes welcome!
Orange County Model Sailing Club: Irvine, CA
San Diego Argonauts: San Diego, CA
Silver Gate Yacht Club: San Diego, CA
Where do we sail?: 24271 San Moritz Dr. Crestline, CA 92325. This is Lake Gregory Regional Park (Use South Gate Parking Lot vice North Gate.)
Also: Harveston Lake in Temecula: Intersection of Stowe Rd. and Lakefront Road, Temecula, CA.
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